

male LV 1

To bring the Chosen generations, Royal priesthoods, Holy nations and the Peculiar people nearer to God. Achieving Heavens Goal

2021-07-01 Joined Nigeria
Badges 2

Moments 2
3 years ago

In the second half of the Seven years (the last three and half year) the Antichrist will show his real personality, he will enforce everyone to receive the mark and to bow down to worship him and his image, there will be limit to the access of buying and selling for only those who will not receive the mark (666) “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” Revelation 13:17 In this period, there will be pain, torment, anguish, calamities and casualties for those who will not receive the mark because the Devil will torment them bitterly.

3 years ago

This write up refreshed my Spiritual life, may God help me to continue to the end.