Webnovel Author: Alex_Simmonds - Fanfic Collection



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2021-07-02 Joined Australia

Badges 3

Moments 1805

Replied to Wizardlyllc

Shuna pinched, sorry!

Replied to Nightshade9000

Yes, but don't worry, they are meant to be a random thing.

I chuckled a little in my heart as the two men looked at me oddly, not used to the open acceptance of their relationship. It was obviously done by this Essek to test me but I didn't mind. Caleb was a little red as he heard his pet name being called so casually in front of a complete stranger.

A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord

A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord

Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds

Replied to BrabbitX

Easy answer for your smooth brain that can't think for itself... Maybe, perhaps, the food is stored in granaries or different storage spaces and is being handed out to the citizens on the day? Merchants aren't selling their goods currently, the food is held by the government for safe keeping, thus the food needs to be handed out. NOW, if you are quite done being a nuisance, either continue reading or just leave.

Within moments I had put on my dress, changing it into a normal looking cloth shirt and long pants. Slipping into the shadows I thrust through the house and out, dodging from umbral blackness to umbral blackness, the early morning sun providing all of the shadows I needed to traverse half the city in less than a minute. Moving through the city I found very little people out on the streets, soldiers moving from house to house handing out food and supplies. It was a very familiar scene for me, my past life having thousands of such dispensaries in the nuclear wastelands between shielded cities.

A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord

A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord

Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds

Replied to Fanfiction_writer

From a map the best I could judge was that Yurazania was south west of Jura. To the direct north of Yurazania would be where the desert resides... Possibly, the sources aren't exactly clear.

Meanwhile, In a wide open desert North of the Beast Kingdom Yuurazania, a large tomb-like structure emerged in a massive flash of white light. If anyone were here it would blind them. Amidst this flash came a shattering of space and then the re-knitting of it, like a mirror being shattered only to be rewound to its previous whole state.

A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord

A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord

Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds

Replied to MONEY_2008

It happens, just chill

Also! I was thinking of sending the MC to Star Wars soon, what era do you all think she should go to? Here are your options: Old Republic ( 👍 ) , Prequel Movies ( 👌 ) and Original Movies ( 🤞). Please use the emoji next to the related option to cast your vote in the comments!

Reality Bender System, Marvel

Reality Bender System, Marvel

Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds

Replied to BrabbitX

Yeah well, she didn't want to?

Once landed the mist slowly made way for my physical form, the substance slowly flowing off and down my limbs until it was gone. Open eyes stared back at mine as we sized each other up, his eye twitching as he noted the elven ears. I knew he could possibly mistake me for a Sorcerer-Nation Mage and thus I revealed the elven lineage of mine to stun him long enough to attack, a move I had just completed a second before he got stunned.

A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord

A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord

Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds

Replied to Rakshahsa

Don't worry, being a fae has advantages... :)

With a snap of wind the physics of my previous movement caught up. Friction, wind and many other forces snapped in his direction as he was blown away into a nearby building. His fist was naturally deflected in the remnants of the shockwaves, thus I just ignored my triggered instincts. Turning to see Milim and Shuna walking down the road towards us. Shuna looked unexpectedly happy, her form changed as her horns were completely gone and in their stead were a pair of beautiful elven ears. My ascension also affected her it seemed as she was now one of my species. As my sweetheart and wife this was naturally a little jarring. Her beauty and hair hadn't changed much however as her eyes were still bright redish-pink. 

A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord

A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord

Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds

Replied to BrabbitX

Which are children, without any children we have no future, the statement stands... You're just being difficult.

"I will not call on the men to join the Military involuntarily! But, I have a request! If there are women and children near you that are under threat, try your best to protect them. Without our children we have no future." A communal shout of masculinity resounded and reverberated across the cityscape as the women and children suddenly felt all the more secure and safe.

A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord

A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord

Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds

Replied to BrabbitX

Dude, I write what i want... If you don't like it, go away?

"Don't worry, its nothing I can't fix." She ceased being nervous and jumped at me, her legs wrapping around my rib-area as her now adult form kissed me on the lips, Shuna coming in and facepalming straight away.

A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord

A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord

Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds

Replied to Nick_Silver_6205


The user can regenerate from any physical damage at an accelerated rate, healing wounds and injuries almost instantly. This ability also allows them to recover from severe trauma and even regrow lost limbs.

A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord

A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord

Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds

Replied to BrabbitX

... Its a fan fic... if you don't like it, then read something else.

Within moments I had put on my dress, changing it into a normal looking cloth shirt and long pants. Slipping into the shadows I thrust through the house and out, dodging from umbral blackness to umbral blackness, the early morning sun providing all of the shadows I needed to traverse half the city in less than a minute. Moving through the city I found very little people out on the streets, soldiers moving from house to house handing out food and supplies. It was a very familiar scene for me, my past life having thousands of such dispensaries in the nuclear wastelands between shielded cities.

A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord

A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord

Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds

Replied to Barbatos_3461

Not Vergil's... All will be revealed in time

Tick. Once again a space was filled, this time with a familiar looking chair. I couldn't remember where I saw it, but once I did I felt an instant drop in my stomach. As if I had eaten a spoiled fruit or meat. Several moment were spent looking at it before I shook myself from the stupor. 

A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord

A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord

Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds

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