The_Mad_Queen - Profile



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2021-06-26 Joined Albania

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Such a henpecked husband 😂😂

Stygar glanced up at the man shadowing him, who was also listening with apt concentration.  Noticing Stygar's gaze, he said simply; "I'll listen to you."

Learning To Live As A Cultivator

Learning To Live As A Cultivator

Eastern · Ebonsolaris


just what I expected from a fellow fujioshi

The scent of herbs burst through her senses as she finally stepped onto the small path surrounding the hut and made her way to the dusty courtyard in front. She had been coming here to water Leon's garden, part of her penance, she felt, though it really wasn't her fault that he had gotten hurt, she felt guilty nonetheless. If she had been more aware... but then who were those people to think they had a right to choose her friends and while she could have mentioned that Leon was closer to a girlfriend than a love interest, his sexuality was his own business and it was not right for her to gossip about it!

Learning To Live As A Cultivator

Learning To Live As A Cultivator

Eastern · Ebonsolaris


just what I expected from a fellow fujioshi

The scent of herbs burst through her senses as she finally stepped onto the small path surrounding the hut and made her way to the dusty courtyard in front. She had been coming here to water Leon's garden, part of her penance, she felt, though it really wasn't her fault that he had gotten hurt, she felt guilty nonetheless. If she had been more aware... but then who were those people to think they had a right to choose her friends and while she could have mentioned that Leon was closer to a girlfriend than a love interest, his sexuality was his own business and it was not right for her to gossip about it!

Learning To Live As A Cultivator

Learning To Live As A Cultivator

Eastern · Ebonsolaris


I will apologize to the readers bcz I went back and saw that I made more comments against WQ then I thought I did. In my defense, I was trying to leave comments bcz there were rarely any in this app. And then WQ appeared and I just couldn't control myself from writing against her. Since I was binging I didn't have time to cool down and seeing more scenes with her just made me comment more. I understand that it can be annoying for some readers. But I never commented against the author, 90% of them were just me disliking WQ and there were like two where I disagreed with the number of ultimate souls appearing and stuff.

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Replied to Johnnii

When the f did you point out smth? You just insulted me from the start for stating my opinion. Have you read my other tens of comments praising the novel? Just bcz I dislike something suddenly I'm not allowed to say anything? The biggest thing is who the f are you to dictate that? I have read and watched a lot of the author's donghua and books. i have a problem bcz the reason why I read this is bcz it has No Harem. If there are tens of girls falling in love with the MC then I have a problem bcz I like reading about dedicated couples. It seems unfair to me bcz Donger is a lot more serious then HYH and he hurts her feelings. She is Tang San's daughter so I have a soft spot for her. Lastly, just bcz you can start dating underage doesn't mean you have to. My meaning was that I am young and not looking for a relationship if your pea sized brain didn't get it. There are different people in the world with different culture. Where I live, people don't start dating the moment they come out of their mother's womb. An old guy like you will probably not understand though.

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Replied to Johnnii

I am 16 OBVIOUSLY, bcz I am on the internet reading "Fantasy Novels". So, yeah I don't date while underage. From your pfp I can tell that you are one of those guys who can't get any girls so, you come on the internet to fulfil your fantasies by reading about guys who have harems and have multiple gfs. Unfortunately for you it will forever remain a fantasy. It would be fine if you were just ugly but you have an uglier personality. If you have a partner, must be just as ugly inside out as you. Thank you for taking your time ☺️ to write a hate comment to a random stranger having different opinion then yours. Hope this doesn't make you feel better.

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Replied to Kimberly_Vasquez_0798

I was literally replying to what you said about her being a part of Shrek Seven Devils. I know that the book isn't titled that. You were the one who said that the author is over explaining her bcz she's part of the Shrek Seven Devils. I told you she isn't. If your brain isn't working, go to a therapist, psychologist or a Neuro surgeon. Don't eat mine.

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Replied to Johnnii

I'm sorry I didn't realize this was your comments section. I am entitled to my opinion if you have a problem, go whine to your momma.

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Replied to Kimberly_Vasquez_0798

It would've been fine IF Tang Wutong had no problem with it or that WQ had just a simple crush on him. But she didn't, she literally transformed to look exactly like TWT bcz she knew that he liked that martial form. She thinks so many times when TWT is talking to her that "You think he's yours? I'll get him." So yes, talking to someone who is obsessed with you while in a relationship is not okay by any means. Especially if your partner is against it. Besides it's not like HYH simply talks, he goes around doing her favours, using the fusion skill he promised Tang Wutong that he'd never use and he smiles at her any chance he gets. It's like he wants her to fall for him. And TWT never did anything like that, in her eyes it was HYH and just him. The whole novel, she never had an ambiguous relationship with anyone except HYH. While HYH still had feelings for Juzi, which I understand he couldn't help bcz it was before he found out about TWT being a girl. But even after that, he befriends WQ knowing how TWT feels. She stopped him, and he didn't listen. What happened? WQ fell more in love. There are also other girls that liked him but I don't dislike him talking to them bcz they never tried to do smth. But WQ tried so many times to stop him and break them apart. I don't even dislike her as much as I dislike HYH. She liked someone and decided to pursue them regardless. It was wrong. But HYH could've put an end to it but bcz of him TWT had to suffer so much. A the end while she was nearly dead bcz she sacrificed herself for him, he fell for WQ as well.

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Replied to Kimberly_Vasquez_0798

If you know that the person you're talking to is in love with you, then you kinda are a pervert.

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Replied to Kimberly_Vasquez_0798

It's fine...

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Replied to The_Mad_Queen

It was in chapter 460ish, why did he have to talk to her? He knows she's his enemy. And after that when he came back with the titans to attack her. Why didn't he kill her? If he did the son wouldn't have been born.

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Replied to Kimberly_Vasquez_0798

The kid was born because Juzi took his sp*rm at Extreme North. And why did that happen? If he had killed her because she was his enemy instead of letting her go due to them knowing each other before. A lot of trouble would have ended.

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Replied to Kimberly_Vasquez_0798

You're the "weirdo" if you think that flirting with other women while in a relationship doesn't make you a pervert. Must be why you're so bitter, no one wants to date you. My condolences ❤️❤️

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Replied to Kimberly_Vasquez_0798

Read the previous paragraph she was looking at the man begging him and it literally says after seeing her eyes he says he doesn't want to die.🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦

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Replied to Kimberly_Vasquez_0798

Just read the previous paragraph, she looks at him beggingly to die and save her. He says he doesn't want to. That was what I was talking about 🤣

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Write clearly.

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Replied to Kimberly_Vasquez_0798

The point is that he learned nothing from flirting with Juzi. He goes around smiling at girls, telling them his sob story, saving their lives and then they fall in love with him. And he doesn't even distance himself from them. How many times has he promised Tang Wutong that he'll stay away from Wang Qiu'er? He then goes around doing her favours and promising her things. It's common sense that when you're in a relationship if you have someone who likes you and isn't willing to accept no. You don't talk to them. And he literally used martial fusion skill with WQ, AFTER the tenth time he has promised TWT to stay away. The fact that he has a child, just shows his carelessness. If he didn't needlessly do Juzi favours and saved her, he wouldn't have a child and so many other troubles wouldn't have happened. If he really only loved TWT, why does he have trouble letting go of Juzi and WQ?

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Replied to Kimberly_Vasquez_0798

If it was two then it's still fine but there are Three now. There haven't been one for centuries then suddenly boom three people have it at the same time. Same with Twin martial souls, it was super rare then suddenly everyone has them? This happens in novels when authors run out of ideas on how to make the enemy strong and just decide to give them the same power as the ML.

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Replied to Kimberly_Vasquez_0798

Reading isn't yours, I see. If you did you'll find out that she was looking at him with a begging look, asking him to sacrifice himself. Instead of insulting random people for pleasure, why don't you just read what you're talking about? The murderers also literally say that everyone betrays EACH OTHER at the end. It's on the next page.

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