I honestly don't see her appeal
Catelyn reached down to unbuckle my pants. Her hands trembled with excitement. I couldn't believe she was doing this right here. She gave a short laugh, her voice breaking with anticipation. "I can't believe how… alive I feel," she murmured.
Anime & Comics · StarWaves
Really? A buastard is a bastard
I hated the way that word was used in this world.
Anime & Comics · StarWaves
Why have you been slowly chipping away at the MC's strength and potential. In some of the previous chaps and this one. How, HOW can he get hurt a measly enchanted sword. Its not even a legendary sword (e.g Excalibur). And as a yokai, a 9 tails for that matter, how can he not see through an illusion from a lower tier world.
Thanks for the chapter I suppose. But! Isn't it very unreasonable to have 69chaps and still be on Team Assingments. Like I started this book 2 hours ago and I'm already done. Wouldn't it be better to actually just write a chap every other day instead of every single day. This way instead of the average 900 to 1200 words you said you have, you would be able to write more and have more ideas? Like I scroll 3 times and the chap is already over. You haven't moved the story at all, it's 90% just chat group conversation, 5% is focused on Makoto, the other 5% is just other stuff. I'm not criticizing, just extremely curious why you would spread your story this much. A day in Makoto's life is like 10chaps of just talking and talking.
Darius? yes he does
Unbeknownst to them, Lana and her team were following at a distance, blending into the crowd. Lana kept her eyes on the pair, noting their interactions and trying to gauge the dynamics between them.
Anime & Comics · Kojo_Supreme
Haha, it's honestly frustrating
[Image here]-->
Anime & Comics · Kojo_Supreme
[Image here]-->
Anime & Comics · Kojo_Supreme
Are you gonna keep pointing out Ainz is a skeleton or dead all the time?
I sighed. "Sorry that you guys are going to be fighting the bulk of the army." Not that I thought Nazarick would mind. Most of Ainz's forces were literal monsters, and killing thousands of humans probably didn't mean much to them. Still, I wondered if Ainz would be able to live with it… or, well, not live with it. Because, you know, he's already dead.
Anime & Comics · StarWaves
The cringe
Taking a step forward, Makoto introduced himself with a confident grin. "My name is Makoto! I am the man who wants to become the Pirate King—wait, no!"
In Naruto: Reborn with a Chat Group
Anime & Comics · SparkyXD