I'm assuming this is supposed to be Chernobog? Terra is the name of the world
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Video Games · Time_Action77
"You win this one. I admit defeat!"
Anime & Comics · ANeet0001
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this section is a repeat of the last part
This book has been deleted.
To be honest I don't really like her parents all that much. They disregard her feelings a lot and kind of force Jade to do whatever they want regardless of what Jade wants.
Author do you hate your MC? She gets walked over at every opportunity.
'Aesa, that was my last carrot cake! There's no way that was random chance'
Fantasy · ACFoster99
not to mention it would be incredibly messed up to try and marry off your daughter without her consent and knowledge.
"… You don't need to look so worried though, we've never had any particular need to look for them till now. Since the reward this time is worth it, we should have a lot more motivation to locate them"
Fantasy · ACFoster99
She really does talk a lot, but I kind of find her rambling to be relaxing. Especially with her new EN voice over.
"She does. Do not attempt to trick her, she will see right through it. Just get her talking, she never shuts up. Be safe."
Video Games · CrunchyCouch
Guns aren't this common in arknights so I'll just take this an AU change I suppose.
Two LGD officers flanked the suspects, trading gunfire. Ch'en, with her swift reflexes, cut through their defensive line, slashing at the one wielding the bag. The suspect stumbled but managed to throw the bag into a nearby alley.
Arknights - Unknown To Dawn
Video Games · Time_Action77