Webnovel Author: Jclion - Novel Collection



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John D Cook the crazy King of Domination in all aspects, hope you enjoy all that is to come. So if you are entertained and want to see more of me hit the links

2021-06-06 Joined United States

Badges 13

Moments 628



Moronuel sighed after Satanael confirmed his rebellion "this is common knowledge to everyone in Hell. Lucifer is now a God, he is like Father but on a lower scale but even with that, he is now an unstoppable force. You may not know all these because you were unconscious but the moment Lucifer sat on the Throne of Hell after your defeat, we all bowed out of respect to the King of Hell and that's when we all experience the new changes in our body and what was the cause of it, we are now what is called Sin Holders, we are the Embodiment of Sin. We each have one sin, like you, you re the Sin of Wrath, I am the Sin of Greed, Asmodeus the Sin of List, Amiel the Sin of Envy, Coriel the Sin of Sloth, Bariel the Sin of Gluttony and Lucifer the Sin of Pride"

I'm The Devil

I'm The Devil

Fantasy · Adams2004


yasss queeen

"I am Aphrodite, the goddess of Love, Beauty, Seduction and Illusion and this is my domain and you are going to be here until I say so, Bixia"

I'm The Devil

I'm The Devil

Fantasy · Adams2004

Replied to SmilingsReder


Lucifer sighed and wondered why the gods of the Greek myths always have a son always fighting against their father for the throne to the extent, they even made a game called the God of War, another son of Zeus with a mortal, Kratos who sought revenge against Zeus who feared that Kratos was going to kill him someday.

I'm The Devil

I'm The Devil

Fantasy · Adams2004


ok Author I see passing the knowledge the check

He wore a white long robe (Chiton) and a cloak (Himaton).

I'm The Devil

I'm The Devil

Fantasy · Adams2004


oh oh ho the eyes of lust you say


Adamantheia sighed when Gaia brought up the new plan and worried for the safety of Zeus as one of his teachers is going to Aphrodite and they all know that she is the wife of Lucifer which would not be good for someone like Zeus who she has noticed has a trait of checking out the women in the Island and she could see list in his eyes when he looks at them and now, the most beautiful woman in all of the realms is going to be his teacher and worst of it all, she is the woman of Lucifer, a man no one wants to offend.

I'm The Devil

I'm The Devil

Fantasy · Adams2004

Replied to AresSkywalker


"Next time you speak to me, you watch your tone because you might lose your ability to speak the next time you raise your voice at me" said Lucifer while adding more pressure on Zeus.

I'm The Devil

I'm The Devil

Fantasy · Adams2004


she wants some

"Well, that's not my doing, I'm just to handsome even for my own good" Lucifer said as he held Aphrodite disregarding the presence of Cynosura who was looking at the shameless couple with disgust.

I'm The Devil

I'm The Devil

Fantasy · Adams2004


goddess of earth make sense she used rocks now that I think about it

"Are you not going to name the child, Rhea" Gaia asked her as she gathers some rocks from around them and arranged it in such a way that Chronos would think that the child Rhea bore issthe rock she was going to give him.

I'm The Devil

I'm The Devil

Fantasy · Adams2004


ohhhh I'm loving all of this

"I have gotten my desired effect from you and I have to say, it was pretty satisfying. Now you know what true destruction is and your's is just a drop in the vast ocean, but don't worry, I am here because of that, I here because I saw a potential in you, a potential to be a herald of Wrath" the red haired said as he offered Susanoo a hand up before teleporting both of them back to his house "well, I can't help you with the reconstruction of your home, so you will have to do that yourself and by the way, I am Satanael, Satan for short, I am one of the seven Lords of Hell, the holder of the sin of Wrath and your new master"

I'm The Devil

I'm The Devil

Fantasy · Adams2004

Replied to SMomoTempest

in theory

A man with black hairs and a beard held a sword as he faced a red haired man with a flaming sword with Red wings that came out of his back.

I'm The Devil

I'm The Devil

Fantasy · Adams2004



Lucifer responded with kind as she kissed are back which turned him so on that he groped Aphrodite and they had another love making session.

I'm The Devil

I'm The Devil

Fantasy · Adams2004


mine and in my heart are to different things sweet heart

Aphrodite nodded as she saw the conviction in Lucifer's eyes when he said she will always be in his heart no matter what and knew that he was saying the truth "I will also stand by you even if the whole cosmos is against you because you are mine" Aphrodite said as she planted a kiss on his lips.

I'm The Devil

I'm The Devil

Fantasy · Adams2004

Replied to ShiroNeko280


Lucifer laid on a bed with Aphrodite beside him as they just finished having a session.

I'm The Devil

I'm The Devil

Fantasy · Adams2004


A man with true pride has no need to lie

She knew Lucifer is a man of his words and when he says he is going to do something, he meant it, and now someone is slandering his name, so what if he is the Devil, does she even know what the word Devil mean?

I'm The Devil

I'm The Devil

Fantasy · Adams2004


it's were the goat that Gia used to raise soon Zeus him stayed hidden until he was older and stronger to face his father chronos

"The Island Of Crete, I knew it, it has to be this island" Lucifer laughed and said before he turned to look at Adamantheia "don't worry, what I said before stands but I will be staying here for the meantime [after all, this is where a new era was born]"

I'm The Devil

I'm The Devil

Fantasy · Adams2004


I'm liking this darker more domeninering version of Nyx

"Let them have it, and if Thanatos do not like it, then I will make him like it, even if I have to make beg me for it"

I'm The Devil

I'm The Devil

Fantasy · Adams2004


oh we including Lilith to perhaps

"Actually, you should also add the second wife of Lucifer, second Queen of Hell, that has a nice ring to it, don't you think Gaia?" Gaia was getting frustrated with how Lucifer is taking all these like a joke, since he showed up, he has never taken anything seriously, it's just as if everything was a joke to him.

I'm The Devil

I'm The Devil

Fantasy · Adams2004


my guys the ruler of hell baby girl who wouldn't lust for him

Lucifer just smiled at Gaia before snapping his hands teleporting both him and Aphrodite away.

I'm The Devil

I'm The Devil

Fantasy · Adams2004


I Mean there is blood in your spream and I already love the way this mans thinks

Lucifer knowing what just transpired smiled and looked at Ouranos who was still on the ground bleeding from his injuries "I could have saved you but, I don't feel like it and you are not someone who has any significance in the myths, and I will get to try some of my new abilities on you, the ones I never got the chance to use back in Hell, but first, you will have to bleed alot" Lucifer said as he was still buying time for Aphrodite to be born because he remembered something about her being born from the blood of Ouranos that spilled from his genitals, she will be a wonderful partner in bed for the time being.

I'm The Devil

I'm The Devil

Fantasy · Adams2004


ohhhh outside of the main cast content I see

In the cold, indifferent expanse of space, a sudden rift opened, unleashing the forces of the Abaddon family of Destruction into the heart of the Belphegor family of Sloth's territory. 

Devil Slave (Satan system)

Devil Slave (Satan system)

Fantasy · Dere_Isaac

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