

LV 2
2021-05-11 Joined Global
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2 days ago
Replied to Kenny123

Hey boy, do you know the level that Sentry is at? I mean, do you know what he is capable of at his maximum power? I mean, the guy can reach a universal or even multiversal level at times, I know that when entering a world he must be limited and use certain powers like in Harry Potter but Aizen chose the power of sentry, and with the time he was in the boys he should already be at a planetary level, but with a regeneration that makes Deadpool and Wolverine or others look ridiculous, and we are talking about sentry in Its first stages and Allen, who has experience in adapting with new powers, should already be at that level. In conclusion, do a little research before saying something, boy, I'm not talking just to talk, I give my opinion because I know what I'm talking about and I've been in this story since its first ten chapters

2 days ago

What he feared most happened, the author was brain dead and nerfed Allen, who at this point could already destroy a planet with the power of sentry, since let's be honest, all readers, a homlander, even with compound V at 400% or 1000%, does not change The fact that it is still weak because the most it has done is country level and with all that compound it would reach continental level and that is just barely, but Allen who has the power to sendry even in its early stages should already be at planetary level, 2 fail and one more and I'll send this story to hell and say goodbye to the wednovel

3 days ago

good chapter aizen, I can only say that and leave my power stone since I will continue to keep an eye on how this arc goes although after all this I hope you take Allen to sekirei to relax or danmanchi since there he would be at the top since the magic and curses exist there so you can use most of your powers including ki although for that it would be better if you go to sekire to master it better while you relax

4 days ago

Thanks for the chapter Aizen and I read a comment somewhere that Allen should have broken his limbs and sent them to space and I support that idea because, man, what happened because Allen couldn't handle two brats and it's no excuse to say that they have the blood of homlander, I just hope that the same thing doesn't happen later on or that you give Allen a Nerf to make him equal to the others because if so all his previous feats will look ridiculous even more so having the power of sentry because how far he has advanced With him he should already be above any super there and in case someone says "but he doesn't control all of Sentry's power", well let me tell you that at his maximum the damn one was universal level and in his early stages he was already planetary

5 days ago

Thanks for the chapter Aizen, I hope please that you don't make a plot twist saying that thanks to the training that Homlander had he can fight on par with Allen because if that's the case I swear by the most sacred thing in Azathot that I will start a crusade

5 days ago

uffff I'm starting to lose complete interest in this story I saw it with great potential but now there is no longer that spark that I had at the beginning, I'm sorry but I'll leave it there is so much wasted potential and characters that could be useful but..... ...well no way Good luck to those who continue reading this

9 days ago

hahaha thanks for the chapter Aizen and I still recommend the world of sekirei so that Allen can relax from all this and after relaxing he could go to the world of invincible so he could go with everything and put some order in that world

11 days ago
Replied to Charles_Warriors

Even if you tell him that, Akikan will nerf him for the sake of his shitty story, that's how it is and that's how it will be, so I advise you to recommend a weak world so that it doesn't weaken him.
