In the wake of a catastrophic Titan breach, Elias Stark, a new member of the elite Survey Corps, finds himself at the center of a growing mystery. Haunted by inexplicable dreams and possessing an unusual connection to the Titans, Elias discovers ancient secrets buried beneath the city walls. As he uncovers hidden truths about the Titans' origins and his own lineage, he faces skepticism from his comrades and a series of intense battles that challenge his resolve. With humanity on the brink of annihilation, Elias must navigate internal conflicts, unravel the Titan curse, and confront the truth about his role in the Titans' existence.
Zephyr grew up in Meteor City, where survival often came at the expense of others. As a child, he discovered his Manipulation-type Nen ability while defending himself against scavengers. His cunning and resourcefulness caught the attention of Chrollo Lucilfer, who offered him a place in the Phantom Troupe.
Though Zephyr accepted, his true motivations remain hidden. His family was destroyed by outsiders who raided Meteor City, and he joined the Troupe to gain the power and resources to exact revenge. Despite his personal vendetta, Zephyr quickly earned his place as #12 in the Troupe, using his abilities to assist in heists, assassinations, and battles.
it's dropped?????
Urban · QuantumFracture