Is he the one Diana got her legacy from?
He was Eros, the Primordial God of Love.
Games · Alekzi
Ummmm why didnt arthur use his invention to enter world of white early to increase his power exponentially and become super strong?
The last bubble then showed the year 2020, five years after beta testing. It showed an image of Arthur, looking tired with black eyebags underneath his eyes. His employees looked extremely nervous but excited!
Games · Alekzi
I thought they couldn't see the world of 4 seasons because of the new veil?
''Yes, Lord!'' Anti-Social rose to his feet, and gestured for the demons to move over to the World of White. While flying towards the cloud-covered planet, they turned to the faraway Four Seasons with greedy expressions. That was their final goal, and they wouldn't let anyone stop them from achieving it.
Games · Alekzi
mix pulverizer with death touch.
Isaac jumped to his feet, then unleashed Pulverizer. The crimson beam cut through the walls that held the ceiling together, and smashed into Bella. She crashed onto a brick-made buildings, then flew through three other buildings before coming to a stop. All her wounds healed immediately after.
Games · Alekzi
How were they starting to make new buildings in hours? is this happening over weeks?
Thus, they emptied hotels of humans, forcing them to return to their houses if they had one. If their residence was a hotel suite, they may stay. Then, metro stations were emptied, made them comfortable enough to stay, and the construction companies were busy making thousands of new buildings.
Games · Alekzi
Well if it's Death then there are definitely some gods of death that could give him a legacy...
''Yeah... there is no one who would want to be associated with someone like him...'' God Zeus gritted his teeth, ''Deathmancer... The class that would allow a person to communicate with death, and also summon the death...''
Games · Alekzi
So he's a death eater? Avada Kadavra...
It was like the silence was the result of his presence. Sorcerer wore a trenchcoat with a skull mask. His reputation was always controversial. Rumors of him killing New-Gen Humans still lingered in the minds of others.
Games · Alekzi
Ahhh marvel..
The problem was that he didn't know how Gods would react to it. Most of them liked the privacy and never liked humans. They called the Moon City residents Inhumans, the superior version of Humans.
Games · Alekzi
Dude use the marksman of space...
Because of the bloody wounds, every second, Isaac lost five HP. However, as soon as the four bullets arrived, another rain of bullets came from in every direction.
Games · Alekzi
I thought there were only 7 primordial gods now that rebus and tartarughe left.
Then, all the Gods and Goddesses revealed themselves, showing the true prowess of humanity, giving them more hope. There were over a thousand Gods and Goddesses, nine Primordial Gods, thousands of legacy figures, and over a thousand strong Chain Breakers, with some even having the strength of a God. And lastly, an army consisting of over a million angels and God Realm citizens.
White Online
Games · Alekzi