hmm.. I feel like your writing to slow to be covering all the events that you have been. I thought we were going to get 2 ch a day after 50.. that really hasn't happened.. and now the Mc Lance is one of the weakest being out there... sorry but gotta be honest your losing the harem aspect and the hope to see the Mc get badass its been over a year in the time-line but nothing new with lance.. disappointing.
lances had a year to gain strength.. seems like he didn't gain anything.. smh.
I feel like it skipped ahead to fast.. I don't know lances strength...[img=thinking] ty for the ch.
ty for the ch buddy!!
so come together and make a city? seems the next logical choice. 1 city to defend instead of 3.. also where's the mcs strength gain at? I thought there was growth but we haven't learned what's yet. also I would have sent an embassies to the elves they do know for info..
has he continued to work on his limits.. we need some kind of character sheet explaining his strengths and accomplishments. have the made mounts? did he gain a pet? skills need listed. has his magic increased? don't jump to far ahead of his developments. as always ty for the ch!!
I would have healed her wound immediately. a scratch from a demon isn't something I'd think was minimal..
hey author double check your pronouns she is becoming he alot... ty for the ch.
where's the new ch....
OK. thank you for explaining. good luck on your exams, I'm still here supporting you bud. sorry if i was rude I meant no offense. ty you for all your efforts!!
The Monster King's Legacy
Fantasy · ZombieMann