Halsin is that you ? 🤔
Moon Bears are very attractive, so it is easier for them to attract the opposite sex.
Games · The Key In 10 Years
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LGBT+ · ChristineWalter2
Canadian seal clubbing cat version? 😂
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Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
some lube on the idol and... 😂
Syryn snatched his quill back and stuffed it inside the satchel. He was now burdened with one useless solid gold monkey idol with a huge phallus, bigger than his even. Why did Rowan want to buy him everything useless and ostentatious? Even so, the alchemist was already considering a spot on the kitchen table at the manor. The gold idol would look beautiful next to Alka's vase of flowers.
LGBT+ · winterblossom
Sauron as a name next 😂
"Why are you getting offended, Saron? It's just a question."
LGBT+ · winterblossom
sounds somewhat the same as what Bilbo Baggins did about his farewell birthday party 😁
"No, this house is comfortable. I'll just put a sign at the gate that says - invitations to balls and birthdays are not welcome."
LGBT+ · winterblossom
this selkie is somewhat inclined into masochism, did all the years spent in torture done that?
The selkie smiled sadly. "I fear letting myself live on in a dream of my own making, Syryn. Liberate me if only for a few minutes so I can see the world with clarity."
LGBT+ · winterblossom
"I'm concerned," Salem softly announced later that day. He had been watching his friend mix a batch of some of the most dangerous ingredients they'd brought into their alchemy room. Syryn had been acting strange the past few days, so unlike himself, and it had been a point of worry for the blond alchemist. When he was asked to get the items on a list that Syryn had handed to him, Salem's worries rose. But he followed a policy of 'don't ask don't tell'.
LGBT+ · winterblossom
I read spread his legs instead of wings 😂
"No," Syryn sighed. He wanted to be irresponsible. Syryn wanted to forget about the dangers looming over his future. He wanted to go out and travel the world, exploring the limitless offerings that it had for him. At least he would die having visited amazing places and having experienced an adventure. A prisoner in his past life, the mage wanted to spread his wings this time. Nua had been an eye-opening experience for him.
LGBT+ · winterblossom
This dragon was almost as fat as a meatball!
A Necromancer Who Just Wants to Plant Trees
Games · The Key In 10 Years