Una de mis más grandes creaciones que he hecho, y muy emocionado que ahora ya la puedan leer todos ustedes, espero la disfruten mucho y que se diviertan en el camino.
A love thousands of miles away ...
A love under the same sky ...
A love in different places ...
A spiritual love ...
A love from a distance ...
A love through Maipad!
Come and discover the story of these two persons, of this great love between, Elizabeth and Tyler.
Is it possible to fall in love with someone without meeting them in person?
Do you believe?
What will happen?
Because something always has to happen
Could that love be true?
Because it shouldn't be
Can they fight for their love?
Why not, who prevents them from doing so
The only thing that prevents people from being happy is death…
And, is this the case?
How could we know, nobody knows what awaits you in the future…
What about you, Do you believe in love from a distance?
It all started that night after New Year's eve...
Is this the end of all endings?
A mediados del siglo XV la humanidad empezó con una fase de selección, donde separaba a las personas con mayor inteligencia o capacidad para realizar ciertas actividades de la población denominada "común" o "terrícolas" quienes serían parte de la antigua sociedad en el planeta Tierra y todos aquellos que resultaran seleccionados tendrían que ser trasladados al nuevo planeta de nuestro sistema solar, ubicado a poco más de 160 millones de kilómetros, detrás de la estrella de fuego.
Denominado Serendipia, por el hallazgo encontrado en el nuevo mundo. Fuente inagotable de uno de los minerales más valiosos en toda la existencia de la historia, Serendibita. Un nuevo sistema de vivencia será impuesto en el nuevo planeta, fundando un reino con el nombre del mismo, Reino de Serendipia y que sólo sus herederos serán dignos de entrar a la corona pudiendo así, gobernar cada rincón del nuevo planeta.
La antigua sociedad y la nueva sociedad mantendrán una estrecha relación que se basará al intercambio económico. Mas no al intercambio de sus pobladores, excluyendo del conocimiento de ellos la existencia de los otros.
In the middle of the 15th century, humanity began with a selection phase, where it separated people with greater intelligence or ability to perform certain activities from the population called "common" or "earthlings" who would be part of the old society on planet Earth and all those who were selected would have to be transferred to the new planet of our solar system, located just over 160 million kilometers behind the fiery star.
Named Serendipia, after the discovery found on the new world. Inexhaustible source of one of the most valuable minerals in all the existence of history, Serendibite. A new system of living will be imposed on the new planet, founding a kingdom with the name of the same, Kingdom of Serendipia and that only his heirs will be worthy to enter the crown and thus, to rule every corner of the new planet.
The old society and the new society will maintain a close relationship based on economic exchange. But not to the exchange of its inhabitants, excluding from their knowledge the existence of the others.
Trough Maipad!
Teen · quiqueg89