The girls shook their heads in denial and kept him close for a while longer; in fact, they led him to bed and made the king rub their bellies until it was time for him to leave for his fiance–the queen.
Fantasy · Writersblockills
*mask lit up
Hearing those words, her eyes behind the mask light up like a child being flashed candy. Smiling, she placed a hand on the man's shoulder. Giving it a squeeze, she said to him.
Fantasy · Writersblockills
*Sola in the next room
'Been a while since I've had a true chance for some mischief, so why not go all out?' Hestia said to herself, smiling all the way to the main kitchen. There, while preparing the meals and the drink of the newly engaged couple, she ventured deeper into her mischievous thoughts. From convincing the queen to wear sultry lingerie to housing Wolf's faunan lover and Sola in the next to make things just a little more tense. 'They'll have to stay there tonight. Wolf wants them to be in the same room soon, but I doubt they'll be given entry on his first night with the queen.'
Fantasy · Writersblockills
My my, Author-san, what a creative spell 😆
"Invisibleh!" Masking her magic in a way that not even the queen could detect it, the head maid made her way to the exit, but her mischief had yet to conclude.
Fantasy · Writersblockills
*cleared of
White tiles marked the floor, and the ceiling was cleared off the previous king's magic apparatus. Replacing it was a dark diamond chandelier, under the light of which the room appeared as the night sky with tiny spots of light twinkling within. As for the bed, it was left much the same; the only things that had been replaced were the bedsheets and the blanket that rested on top. From a light red to a velvety violet, in Hestia's mind, that color complemented Wolf's silver hair.
Fantasy · Writersblockills
*but for now *Astoria
"I would like extra beds for more queens later, but now for, unlike with the last king, you're gonna share the room with me, right?" Blushing red to his question laced with a suggestive theme, Asoria lowered her head and whispered with her heart pounding like a piston.
Fantasy · Writersblockills
In the meantime, left alone with his queen, Wolf discussed the matter for a while longer. For the most part, everything was the same, but the initial offer to the lizardman tribe had to be discussed in detail. How would they convince them to do such a perilous task? In the end, Wolf decided to send a messenger for Kukei to her island and have her come back to Aestoria to discuss things further.
Fantasy · Writersblockills
*kings past (assuming he read about multiple kings)
"We're obviously not giving them everything, but we're gonna need people to restore the land after we've burned it and what better way than to have those who burned it repair it themselves?" A circular solution. It surprised Astoria as well as Kayla. Both of them were versed in war, but somehow, the scholar who'd only read books about the experience of the king's past was more effective at coming up with solutions.
Fantasy · Writersblockills
Is it okay to use long and glance together? Considering that glance is inherently short.
"I still have a concern…" Planting her hand on the table, Kayla leaned closer to Wolf's face. Giving him a long, quiet glance, she wondered just where the king had learned just about everything. Her question, however, had nothing to do with it. "And why exactly would the lizardmen do all the work? What are we feeding them?"
Fantasy · Writersblockills
Wha? How old was she when she gave birth to William?
Trailing further down, Wolf licked her body clean, and as it came time to reach down her belly, he was somewhat surprised by Astoria's curly pubes as they matched her blonde hair perfectly. The girls he'd been with before kept themselves clean for the most part, and those he'd had the chance to make love to otherwise were either dark-haired or brunettes, so he'd never noticed anything odd. But Astoria, who'd been in her early thirties for a few years now, cared little for such frivolous things–at least when she was still wedded to the late king.
Netori SSS-Emperor: All Queens Shall Be Mine!
Fantasy · Writersblockills