Story was going along pretty well up until Stark came out. As soon as he came out the story stagnated with boring canon plot with even more boring MC actions. The story should just stick to the MC and not literally rewrite what happened in canon as whoever is reading fanfiction should already have knowledge about what they are reading about. Hopefully the story doesn't repeat the same crap again.
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Unneeded two chapters
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So I guess he's a simp. He could of just mind wiped the part of him making the troll disappear or even appearing while they were in the bathroom, but instead went with the stupid decision and started blabbing about pretty much everything. I guess if you're a female he'll probably do whatever they ask or don't ask, pretty disappointing.
And then the story was ruined. Why did you have to add random oc's that no one cares about. Could have chosen literally anybody that was actually written in detail in the book series but chose the same cliched people.
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Pretty shit fic. Its almost exactly like the old fic but worse because the plot is slow af and the MC who complains about being in the Marvel universe somehow doesn't even know half the shit he's supposed to know. 30 chapters of nothing but murder and then some bullshit training arc just so the MC can meet Black Cat. The grammar is good but I wouldn't bother reading until there's at least 100 chapters.
Read 3 chapters and gave up. Pretty boring read. The MC is all over the place and keeps over thinking thingS while whining about everything. Plus the dude is a middle aged guy which means he'll probably be shit when it comes to sword fighting and other types of combat.
Why is he acting like a kid? I thought he was an old fogey.
The Nameless Angel in Naruto
Anime & Comics · Animaniak