You got me bro, I share the feeling. She can Start a new life now with his daugther and husband.
She falls on Arthur as she takes a heavy breath and smile "master, it is inside. Your dick is inside." She kissed Arthur as tears drop from her eyes and said "thank you, master, for accepting me, even after knowing my past. Many will frown upon it if they heard about me. Some may feel sympathy but they will still never accept me. Even though it's them who made me that. But you master never judge me, nor did you disgusted by me. You accepted me even after knowing everything. You even showed your love in front of others. You also accepted my child feelings. Thank you and I love you."
Anime & Comics · Taboo_lover
she was sold
Lovely is this family
must be true else the powerfull man of the clan would have not pay attention to the mother
If she wasn't sick and in this condition then she would have been a very beautiful woman. Arthur walks towards her.
Anime & Comics · Taboo_lover
It is in fact demeaning, he is intelligent...
The wolf *bark* like a dog and agreed with him. Even though it can talk it act like this as Arthur also like it.
Anime & Comics · Taboo_lover
Step by step, soft approach
And very quickly they become friends. BiBi also doesn't shy anymore around him. Arthur always teases her whenever he gets the chance.
Anime & Comics · Taboo_lover
maybe this will be the chapter when Xie Xan will show his full power and technique
Me escanto el Capitulo Muchas gracias
Es todo un poeta
This paragraph has been deleted.
Anime & Comics · GenoXX
This is the hope that she was craving for, all bedriden and sad must have been a tough eXperience
My Taboo System
Anime & Comics · Taboo_lover