My old dogs name rip. Was with me most of my life.
"I'll name him… Loki," Troy announced excitedly. "His fur is like snow, so he'll be Loki, the frost giant."
Movies · FableWeaver
how did I type this my phone wasn't even in my hand????
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Movies · Avi2112
This paragraph has been deleted.
Movies · Avi2112
Odin's expression sank, and he scowled. "Great, I gotta go deal with those dicks now."
Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
That poacher segment was Madagascar right? At least I think.
No I think they used know correctly, at least while speaking aloud it flows well.
"Your Majesty, know I am a curious woman in my own right, and I fear it gnaws at me as to why you desire my presence."
TV · Marcia_05
No but they are in fiction like marvel.
Inside a bank, a common situation unfolded: four armed men entered and subdued the two security guards, then threatened all the customers to lie on the floor.
Anime & Comics · Mr_Aizen
Your comment made me realise I wrote it like his name was rip, I meant Loki was his name too. Kinda funny.
"I'll name him… Loki," Troy announced excitedly. "His fur is like snow, so he'll be Loki, the frost giant."
Dreams of Stardom (Hollywood SI)
Movies · FableWeaver