In their free time, both Alfonzo and Elicia have been working on their own projects. While Elicia has been expanding her clientele list, spending all her time either training or making clothes outside of questing, Alfonzo has been doing much the same. Working on his car project, cooking at the guild, or spending time reading about as many topics as he could in the guild's library.
Anime & Comics · SixthSense1029
The exaggerated swagger of an African American teenage boy
Pulling out a white, short sleeved, button-down shirt, a black vest, black pants, and black and royal blue shoes that looked a lot like a pair of AirForce1's, Alfonzo quickly got himself dressed. Then, to complete the ensemble, he tied a royal blue sash around his waist.
Anime & Comics · SixthSense1029
Breath very slowly
She goes off to rendezvous with her team as I realize that S3bastian was right and that people somehow couldn't tell he was an Omnic.
Video Games · Eaglestriker_22
Please use numbers i beg of you it’s just easier to read 23 yr 3 mo vs twenty three years and three months
Age: Twenty-three and three months old
Video Games · Marine0IQ
I’m thinking Apollo God of the sun and light
The skills, the big eye in the sky, it looked just like his.
Fantasy · Lukas142
I can’t tell the difference reading from a phone all the letters look the same
This paragraph has been deleted.
Fantasy · Lukas142
The only story on this app I like more is the one with the zombie by the same author
Healing uses energy
His body was fixed, though remained emaciated.
Anime & Comics · Paradox_
Those stats are actually pretty good
'What the fuck are these shitty ass stats, did this guy just sleep the entire time in the academy?' Kazuo thought.
Anime & Comics · NarutoAuthor
I’m thinking the same thing
"Understood." Reno said with a nod. "Although we've determined that the monster should be of the wolf species, we still don't know what kind it is exactly."
Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads
Anime & Comics · SixthSense1029