the whiteness in a blind person's eyes means it's the 'lens' in front of the eye that has become opaque (cataract). People affected can still see if it's bright or dark in front of them, like looking through a sheet of paper. In case of fever induced blindness, eyes look perfectly normal except for being unfocused. it's the nervous cells on the back of the eyes that are fried and can't process the images projected on them... Anyway her eyes shouldn't be white.
As the woman turned her head, Medusa was met with a pair of beautiful, yet lifeless eyes. Both of her eyes glistened with a pale white colour, a testament to her blindness.
LGBT+ · ToriAnne
Instead, Onya's face lit up with fresh excitement upon the logic that there were *two* of them!
LGBT+ · Seraphelki
so much for being blind...
Moreover, the government offered free education, and Aleysia could pursue her higher education at the local university, which had a student body of 300, and would even learn how to use firearms.
LGBT+ · ToriAnne
This paragraph has been deleted.
LGBT+ · Seraphelki
The only problem was, there weren't a lot of options available at the bank. Humans were, unsurprisingly, not so common in such places. Fortunately, elves weren't as rare, and Lex had a thing for redheads with pointy ears.
Fantasy · lifesketcher
of course it 's ade-Qat-e
'So this is the Yecine heir. Their form is... adequate.'
LGBT+ · Seraphelki
third Prinz must feed da cat!
Tang Li Xue showed a cute tiny black kitten in her arm to the Third Prince and said in a begging tone: "I found an abandoned kitten here. Can I bring it back and keep it? Please~!"
Fantasy · godadi
When the Third Prince got out of the carriage with Tang Li Xue, he also introduced the crowded market to Tang Li Xue: "This Lingshan Street is the most popular market in the Imperial City. You can buy almost everything you need here. From all kinds of food, clothes, wines, pills, spiritual treasures, and so on, you can even buy slaves and beasts as your pets."
Fantasy · godadi
hi!... I guess... ...
Sorry for the late update. I've been kinda busy with school. So umm please I'd like to know if there are any readers reading. So please if you are could you say hi? Like comment here? Thanks
Saintess? Not Anymore! I'd Rather be a Destroyer
Fantasy · OnikunStudios