join match familia
[Author's Note: To leave or not to leave, that's the question. The next chapter will decide everything about the future. Really considering if he should leave Soma or not. Maybe he could reach some kind of agreement with Zanis or maybe even outs the guy. But then he will have to do all the Familia captain work like paper works... Don't know.
Anime & Comics · Emerging
the stories are great but the body and mind yearn for more the one i favoured are the grimoires ones
Dr. Elm second game professor was a man
This paragraph has been deleted.
Anime & Comics · keep_smiling29
light hearted +1
8. Harry Potter--
Anime & Comics · legendaryweeb
hope he get the super dragon fist
"This is no ordinary fruit," Eldaron replied, his voice weakening, yet filled with reverence. "The Supreme Fruit is said to have the power to evolve the strongest technique within the one who consumes it, pushing it to a level that can overcome any darkness. It grows in only one place in this realm, and there is only one fruit in existence."
Anime & Comics · iTruckKun
dont read this it stolen if you want the to read more go to the original author on fanfiction -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Overpowered Gamer By: PercyPendragon3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
This book has been deleted.
it novel hogwarts-the-dark-lord-no-call-me-satan the spaces are /
Can Someone Help Me Find the Raws From Chapter 66.
Book&Literature · AHumanMadeMOFO
i dont know about raw but their is a mtl i could give you that 230ish chapters if you want
Can Someone Help Me Find the Raws From Chapter 66.
Book&Literature · AHumanMadeMOFO
it only rated a xxx not xxxxx
and Hippogriffs
Book&Literature · AHumanMadeMOFO
use fairy tail for magic and bleach for spirit
{A/n: I wasn't sure which power system to use for the magic power and wanted to use the bleach power system for the spiria.}
Fairy tail: A quincies journey
Anime & Comics · John_Dose