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That would be interesting after all, in Arcane there are armies and he can start creating his own with shadow manipulation.
You don't need a complex system for the story to be good or fluid, the thing about templates is that there are so many and that gives you a wide range to choose from that you can spend all day thinking about.I would recommend that he be a type of new champion, whose powers could be, shadow manipulation, the great emulator and photographic memory.
I feel like the story is going to start with a federated character.
Combate continental o soul land.
Overall the story is going very well. I would like to advise that if you are going to continue giving so many skills to the MC that he can, let's say, merge some of them to develop a higher level one since at the rate I see, Mc is going to have so many abilities that we will even forget which one he has
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Aaah, What will happen now, what will Kabuto do?
You have a point there, Mc has a very versatile set of powers and abilities so he can do practically everything alone, then other people lose their purpose
I think Chloe is really the most suitable at this stage of development, and she also has that investigative quality that could be useful when she is solving a specific situation.
I can't wait to see how you plan to expand.
Mastermind of the Akatsuki
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