And now it’s time to quit reading, her father is now a she
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Fantasy · elizz_lv0
It actually is very good!
Biting into it, Talia blinked in surprise "Wow, that is....a lot better than I was expecting. The tastes go quite well together" Talia muttered, as the girls bit into theirs.
TV · ArtoriaPendragon_
Haha the wimp womp strikes again
I also plan on her having a total of 5-6 love interests, so yeah. 4 of which are already guaranteed, and a few others I've been contemplating.
Anime & Comics · ArtoriaPendragon_
I also plan on her having a total of 5-6 love interests, so yeah. 4 of which are already guaranteed, and a few others I've been contemplating.
Anime & Comics · ArtoriaPendragon_
She can build her own ship, about the size of the millennium falcon with more firepower than the Death Star lol… as long as she can secure kyber crystals!
Potato’s can be planted to grow an endless supply given time, once they get a farm going they don’t even need to look for seeds for them, I believe you can plant a strawberry to grow a bush same with tomatoes
Cabbages were going at three hundred Credits per cabbage, lettuces were at two hundred Credits, Strawberries and tomatoes were at a whopping three hundred Credits per fruit and the beef they were selling was priced at three thousand Credits per kilogram.
Sci-fi · Draekai
She’s in space, if something provides thrust for long enough it should be able to move anything from a ship
Since I don't exactly have a lot of cargo space, I can't just take anything I find and if I find anything too heavy for my salvage drones to move, I would have to put on a suit and float out myself to deal with it.
Sci-fi · Draekai
Wealth: 7,378,888,890 spiritual energy coins
Global Game: Ten Billion Spirit Energy Coins From The Start
Games · Dull Fireball