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2020-12-08 Joined Global
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3 years ago

This is my first review on this site. I bothered to create an account just to write this review for a book I really love, and it was worth it. Many I love about this novel. The plot, characters, narrations, especially figure of speech, the way the author approach something ambiguously instead a direct and clear one, leaving readers to wonder what was implied in one paragraph and creating these massive paragraphs as the outcome. It's not really a bad thing, first maybe would make you feel a bit tired for reading such a long paragraphs, you simply just to adapt with it and things would become easier. It's not all the paragraphs were massive after all, only some that need to be described deeply. And I really love it. Back to the implied aspect, the author also cleverly used implied title as well in every chapters, if you noticed it. The novel title itself also implied "Sin of Kin" not only sound catchy, but I think there's some kind of sinister meaning behind it. A sin of her kin which is devil, or a sin of humans kin, or maybe others beings that "casting its shades of grey". My gut telling me that our little devil MC maybe doesn't really have the so-called angel heart. Why I can say that? It from the latest two chapters ---or maybe three if the author already upload it in the future--- anyhow, the point is in that long chapter titled "A Demure Sin" which was divided into sub-chapters right now. Not gonna spoil it, because the title already spoke for itself. Not only the novel that amazing, but its author as well. One kind of literal humble author. The author never ever telling and asking and begging constantly to his/her readers to vote, comment, or add his/her novel into the readers library. Never. Which is kinda rare and uncommon to find in this site who craved for things like that. That's why I love both the novel and like its humble author. Phew~ this review's kinda long, isn't it? Gonna end it here. Despite its low upload rate compare to the standard novel found in this site, this novel is worth waiting. After all, the author seemed to upload each chapter no less than 2k words per week, even there are chapter that have more than 2k. I think it's the same as uploading 500-1000 words chapters every day or two. To close this review I need only say one thing to the author. Keep writing no matter what. Thank you for providing us a great story to read.