Maybe the spirits don't want the trials to end because they'll dissappear forever now
So dumb not to tell them about a spy in their midst
Ozeroth a freak fr
Ozeroth laughed heartily at Atticus's reaction. "Ah, scoff all you like, but let me tell you, in the Spirit World, though I was hated by every spirit worth their salt, I could still feel the wetness between the women's legs as they stared at me." His voice was dripping with pride.
Fantasy · RealmWeaver
No way he still hasn't reached grandmaster.
He had grown taller, his frame radiating unbridled power. His muscles were harder, his very presence commanding, and his hair, a vivid mix of purple and blue, whipped behind him as if it were alive.
Fantasy · RealmWeaver
Pure yap chapter
No way they running protests already😂😂
However, when they realized Atticus hadn't bonded with Ozeroth, they felt relieved. To cement this, many spirit fanatics flooded the streets, waving banners and protesting against Ozeroth, demanding he not be accepted.
Fantasy · RealmWeaver
We're on an insane edging streak boys🫡😂
Makes sense that there are other worlds because at the rate Atticus is growing this world won't be able to handle him
Time stretched, minutes turning into an hour. And when that hour was about to become two, everything changed.
Fantasy · RealmWeaver
"None shall interfere. Finish your battle."
Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground
Fantasy · RealmWeaver