his joy knows instead of knees
She shouted at the top his voice. His was overjoyed and extremely happy. His joys knee no bounds and his hands were trembling.
Action · 1st_Manga_KING
He shouted?
She shouted at the top his voice. His was overjoyed and extremely happy. His joys knee no bounds and his hands were trembling.
Action · 1st_Manga_KING
confident instead of confinement?
He prepared himself to enter it since he was now confinement in completing the mission but it was late night and going at night in an unknown area is far more dangerous that during the day.
Action · 1st_Manga_KING
I think it's very well written... shows their love and passion without being raunchy. Very good
do you mean mistress instead of number 3?
Number 3 turned her sight on Aiden, her lips curving upwards crookedly as she sighed and added.
The Last Primal
Fantasy · Shaele