Only joke genshin players have?
"I'm Paimon le Noir, former Grand Duke, pleased to make your acquaintance."
Fantasy · FailedWriter101
Roselyn stepped inside the tower, having been personally invited by one of the top alchemists in the industry, Sienna Moretti.
Fantasy · athex
Training his skill, probably.
She opened her mouth.
Fantasy · FailedWriter101
This is my problem with that rule, it’s so stupid. Of course everyone wants to be the leader when they get double the credits.
"I need to be the team leader if I want to earn enough Credits for the first rank."
Fantasy · FailedWriter101
That’s why they need to think carefully
"Forcing others to join your team or prohibiting others from joining a team is strictly banned.
Fantasy · FailedWriter101
Why? As leaders they shouldn’t be concerned with an increase in rewards but the position and opportunities a team leader brings. This system would cause gaps between a team and their leader making everyone want to be a leader. If it’s just to continue supporting the egregious power imbalance of god clan students and normal student then I get it but that’s a bit forced.
"The team leader will get twice the Credits for mission completion.
Fantasy · FailedWriter101
Praise the Fool! You have now drawn the attention of the greatest religious community of all time
Roselyn stepped inside the tower, having been personally invited by one of the top alchemists in the industry, Sienna Moretti.
Fantasy · athex
Dude, it’s satire, calm down
It looked like the work of a psychopath.
Fantasy · FailedWriter101
I find it pretty balanced if you think about it. Ranged classes are ranged for a reason, they are generally low health and armor so if they even get hit that means someone screwed up. And anybody can just run away and wait 10 minutes, honestly this seems more useful for close range damage dealers and tanks
[27/50 -> 50/50]
Games · Alekzi
"I never sacrificed my God Blood. I used it to rescue my friend."
Extra's Death: I Am the Son of Hades
Fantasy · FailedWriter101