2018, the world has been shocked by a terrorist group called Crimson Dawn, the Extremist group was known for their organized attacks around the globe, not even annual holidays weren't spared from their cruel motive that the public wanted to know why but the answer is complicated to the average joe to tell
UN had organized a counter-terrorism group called the Black Berets to provide safety and security from the said terrorist group, they were either recruited by the best counter-terrorism and military units around the globe or undergoing recruitment process to be trained to become a member of the Black Berets
Masahiro Kishinuma is not only a new student from Harvey Woods High School but a replacement bassist for the school band called The Pariahs.
the band was on the brink of decline due to the bassist's homicide, however, they found out it was a murder. they are searching for Nicholas' Killer with the bond of friendship that was about to be built, and sometimes, romantic ties and drama was about to unravel
All the songs in this story belong to the rightful owners
A son of an Assassin from a coven that was once forgotten and took up the legacy during a war against Phantoms and Ghosts, however they have other plans to escalate this conflict to take over the world, It's up to Zane and his allies to stop it for once and for all