
LV 1

Lawyer in making, content creator and writer by night- Believes in powerful book characters. Guilty as charged of falling in love with my book characters.

2020-10-09 Joined Pakistan
Original works
Badges 2

Moments 1
3 years ago
Replied to KristineElias

You are so sweet. This motivated me to write better :) and update more. Update coming up soon

  • Queen Of Ice I Book- I original

    Queen Of Ice I Book- I


    " I thought I could learn to love you- I really wanted to. But all you did was use and abuse me- you treated me like one of those women you will sleep with and the next day their dignity was mare trophy showcased to the world. You told me again and again that I was the only one for you. But efforts and love was what you were lacking and I like a blind fool followed you to every corner of the world even to death hoping every single day you will learn to respect me back but I was delusional lovesick fool." He clasped her hands tightly in his- adamant to plead with her to give him a chance. He promised himself he would make it up to her and prove that her love had changed him for the better. He was desperate because the very thought that this was the last chance he had with her made him fearful, just the thought of losing her made his heart ache but his pleadings, tears and wailing proved to be futile as she walked away. He watched her step away from him even when he tried to hold onto her, his hands were freezing cold due to the snow. His tears wouldn't stop and his voice had gone hoarse . His cries falling on deaf ears and not ones did she look back at him as she went further and out of sight. He was left there in the cold stormy night. His wail breaking the peace of the night. But he knew she gave up on him. He knew he lost her forever- "Farewell my sweet love- till we meet again. I promise to make you exclusively mine."

    5 Chs 3 Collections