This doesn’t bode well…
Abducted (part one)
Urban · Vivian
"I want to tell you Simione that I didn't leave," He started, capturing his beloved's eyes in a expression that came mysterious to Simione. For a moment they looked at each other trying to assess each other's feelings and inside thoughts but this moment was cut and ruined when a phone rang so loudly, making both almost jumped into surprise.
Urban · Zijay
Me too! I was so glad to see new chapters added!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Maybe Gwen has never been better than Tiana because she is so ugly inside. I realize Gwen is a supporting character but boy has this author done a great job of making us hate her. Life will not change for her and her BFF Karma…
She had not felt happier after she heard of Nicklaus's accident. She was so happy that she couldn't even eat. She already lost hope of being better but luck finally shone on her. The billionaire husband was finally dead.
Urban · zhiruyi
Yea but she has tiny hands and size 3 feet too! She is quite petite. Does that make a difference? 🤷🏻♀️
Tiana grinned; ''Wow, this should be 6 inches long?'' She asked, her eyes examining him. Nicklaus laughed; ''Beautiful, what are you... '' He tried to take his member from her hand but she held him tighter;
Urban · zhiruyi
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Doesn’t this make you mad?! I have discovered an “author” who has plagiarized ALL the books under her name. I reported it to WN and they didn’t even respond to my messages. I’ve posted chapter 1 (and other) comments and a book review (especially if they cost coins or FP to read) I’ve just discovered her newest ongoing fake and PM’d the real author via her Insta Acct. I couldn’t find an email but figured best to report it to the publishing co or authors direct, depending on how big they are. One of this girl’s fakes is a NYT Best Selling Book Series. How stupid she is! Ha!
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This book has been deleted.
Thank you for posting this. I’m so mad about already knowing the results of Navier’s baby birth situation and would have been much happier reading about that.
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The story prologue is kind of all over the place. I get the premise for the story. Hopefully it flows smoother.
The alpha king's hated slave
Urban · Kiss Leilani