I really don't know, I migth just redo that whole fanfic. But at a later date
Its actually South African, and is my writing that bad that it can be considered a MTL?
And i know what you are thinking rigth now, Starsign is this not shameful? Well my good friend as a proud member of the shameless author Association. It only feels rigth that I do this .
2. Jurisdiction shall not be breached by all members of the War Force except for certain entities such as the Lord Commander; unless said jurisdiction is assaulted by external forces then this rule can be temporarily suspended.
Video Games · Starsign
He can't invaded people, without being attack first. Almost like Japan's Defense force
2. Jurisdiction shall not be breached by all members of the War Force except for certain entities such as the Lord Commander; unless said jurisdiction is assaulted by external forces then this rule can be temporarily suspended.
Video Games · Starsign
No, it was Muhammad Ali
Long Chen then fiercely engaged with Ling Ming for around 10 minutes, during that time he hopped like a butterfly and stung like a bee.
Eastern · lilhawk
Welcome to Good burgers, home of the Good burgers, can I take your order
The next few days flew by in a blur of drunken pleasure, until one day he received an alert from his fortress defense system. Pulling out his holocom, Moka had a displeased look when he saw who came calling on him, and he got a seriously bad feeling. His ship was done just a day ago and his droids were almost done with their modifications. The prayed to the force the universe wasn't going to fuck him like this. Answering the holocom to show a distressed looking Padmé and a few of her guards, Captain Panaka included, Moka called his crew to listen in. "Hello, welcome to Cosmic Burger, home of the beat burgers in the galaxy, may I take your order?" Said Moka, doing his best drive-thru impersonation, getting laughs from his whole crew except Jona.
Movies · Lord_Bell
"These tyrannosaurs must belong to the United States of America. After they are captured, the United States of America will allocate the ownership of the Tyrannosaurus Rex."-- comments from a Chinese audience
Sci-fi · Lang Ya Xiao Di
they don't have a whole continent to themselves, don't forget Mexico and Canada which are big, and let us be honest the USA set trends so if you went your thinks to become famous you suck up to the usa
"These tyrannosaurs must belong to the United States of America. After they are captured, the United States of America will allocate the ownership of the Tyrannosaurus Rex."-- comments from a Chinese audience
Sci-fi · Lang Ya Xiao Di
Thanks for the heads up
Total War : Shogun in another world
Video Games · Starsign