Truly Jess needs therapy and she needs to know the truth about her late husband if not she will never be happy with herself. The good thing is it will be hard for her to hate him or her father but she will be able to know her self worth. Because deep down I feel she blivs she deserve pain bcos just maybe she caused what happened with their father. At least Lilah got therapy in her vengeance 🤣😂. But she kept on holding together pls let her get the truth n move forward to be able to love herself. At least now she knows the truth of her father it will lessen the self blame even when she does not talk about it.
I truly find myself very happy when I see you write about a good rich family or a good large family or both. Is always a breath of fresh air from the normal rich family dramas and plotting. At least rich and large family can be happy with a good dose of healthy relationship😍💯♥️😘😘
pls pls n pls stop repeating all of this. Is she that stupid and what is wrong with Kael. I am really tired of reading one thing over and over again there is no moving forward nothing nice is all pain no joy at all
At what point did she wanted him to discuss an ex is it as they where running for their lives or when they where trying to navigate their feelings and trust.
So now he should not have a history when he already told her she changed his intentions. this i truly twisted and heart wrenching even tragic
So she can run away. all this time
why do you keep mentioning this over n over again he already told her all this and yet she is asking is like they a dancing around a circus
Y is he not owning up to being her mate. why is there so much stalling n repeatings of all we know.
repetitive doubts over and over and the prophecy is wat she knows and they keep repeating it
There is something you did here that is so beautiful and hopeful , most ppl that faithfully stayed in an abusive marriage mostly are blessed with the best of second chances either male or female. They do not go on condemning their first life rather they get to acknowledge the blessings that comes with the second chance. I wld love for her to be really pregnant already😍😂🤣🔥 so as she can quickly move on and not make Damon suffer somebody else's sins. The pregnancy will certainly make her actually bliv foul play n she will understand is not worth it mourning without moving on
Unexpected Romance: Love $ Hustle
Urban · Miss_Behaviour