loyal readers for an absolute peak writer
She probably thought I was a Nen genius. They are those that use nen unconsciously. She probably didn't take me as her student and teach me nen immediately because she probably wants to follow the rules to keep Nen hidden.
Anime & Comics · HolyJoker
What happened to daily uploads
Why new chapter late today </3
Authors cant keep up with their sh** can they
"There are two pieces of good news," Sea Emperor began, "First, your spiritual power increased from 9.8 to 11 due to the arena's consumption. Second, someone sent you something in the arena. I've already received it for you. It's a Black Iron-grade armor, and it should be delivered soon."
Sci-fi · Nuclear Warhead Cooked in Wine
Yes, yes, the wisdom of doaist uncle Ben spreads far and wide
However, great power comes with great responsibility.
Book&Literature · InkBound
If you are looking for stuff with evil MCs that are actually good, you can try "Soul of negary" or "warlock of the magus world"
Alright Author here again to give you guys an actual review of this book. The start is rough and writing quality for the first 10-20 chapters is below average if I do say so myself. However I believe that improves especially in the most recent chapters. As for the updating stability I plan from here on out to upload at least 1 chapter a week and I already have a couple chpaters ready in case I miss a week or something like that. I know the story is kind of deal and really old but give it a chance and I promise you will like the plot that will develop in the most recent chapters and if its not your thing then thats unfortunate. Have a good one
lol fancier names will come at later stages
Qi transcendent realms (3) :
Fantasy · Mr_No_One
"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants" - Sir Isaac Newton
The reason Lynn could sit here and discuss without arrogance was not because he was smarter than everyone present. It was simply because he stood on the shoulders of giants.
Scientific Wizard
Book&Literature · InkBound