Yep, thanks for the catch fright knight, Daoist the knight guy's right, BUT I can see where you got confused, I Literally use Grammarly and it didn't catch it soooo yeah, Its Phoenix, not Pheonix... unless your like actually paying attention you don't really notice the difference, and I googled it too for me it didn't try and correct me so I can see your point on the google part, but guys chill no need to hate on each other.
That was why I made some changes.
"Stark, As the younger twin brother of Robb, But with purple gemlike eyes and much more refined features and I'd like to retain my 'little brother' pretty please, can you have my name be Orion?" I asked.
TV · ElderOrion
You're good my dude, my part on hating was the part where you said he was talking out of his ass... Personally, that sounds a little harsh. AS for the Pheonix spelling stuff I mean, I'm glad someone said something because I genuinely didn't notice.
Game of Thrones: Breaking Destiny
TV · ElderOrion