I wonder how she would do against an altered that was a mantis shrimp that strick so fast the water aound the punch boils each punch would knock a limb right off
I think it is a distance attack like mvs blood strick or the shotgun one
[LOCKED] (Failed to achieve the optional part)
Fantasy · JKSManga
thank you for all the chapters recently
nice curious what happens next
thank you for the chapter
I wonder if rens sword will get an upgrade
Souta need to absorb a few more groups for the new base in the dream land lol can't wait until the next chapter
great story this honestly the first story that attracted me to web novels well written but I do want to go back to the main charter I do feel too much off shoot stories
the skill to not only hold on but be aware enough to send or receive an attack to use create an opertunity is pretty cool and shows the growth of all of them
the problem is that even if they kill this world tree, the next sapline might want revenge, and the process will start over again and the second time I doubt that the new world tree will not learn from the others mistakes
Supreme Magus
Fantasy · Legion20