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Fanfiction writer, Author, Nice guy Origional username Psychopath556 on Follow me on Twitter to be kept up to date on the progress of my fictions :

2020-07-29 Joined United Kingdom
Original works
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Moments 1254
2 days ago


Now, with Aldril joining the team, he has to wait for the night to pass before heading to the Shire to find the last member of the next adventure: Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit who is an expert treasure hunter. 

Transmigrate to the world of The Lord of the Rings?

Transmigrate to the world of The Lord of the Rings?

Movies · Ax_nevermay_cry

2 days ago

I’ve got my fingers crossed for the hobbit, which given that Gandalf isn’t riding his cart is likely~

The other option is that he will go for Bilbo's help, as Bilbo is a treasure hunter (Thief to some) to help Thorin Oaken Shield, in which case he would be at the beginning of The Hobbit.

Transmigrate to the world of The Lord of the Rings?

Transmigrate to the world of The Lord of the Rings?

Movies · Ax_nevermay_cry

18 days ago

So… he was the “Raiser Phenex” in this other storyline then?

At the time of plot preparation, he was supposed to be the dog-licker of one of the heroines he went to school with in China. After becoming the heroine's hated dog licker. By the time the plot starts, the heroine's hatred and disgust for the villain character seems to be very high, making the protagonist's chances of getting the heroine's heart also higher.

The Heroine Eavesdropped on My Voice Heart

The Heroine Eavesdropped on My Voice Heart

Anime & Comics · DogLickerGods

23 days ago

While overall the concept is good, I’m suspecting one of two things about this whole fiction, either English isn’t the writers first language, or this fic is being completely written by AI, given how at times things don’t match up or the story goes on for paragraph after paragraph about a certain thing in great detail often repeating itself. This combined with the fact that multiple canon things are being changed/altered from the original works on a whim with no real reason other than BS.

1 months ago

Well with all the deaths that are likely to happen in the next 3 years once Grindlewalds plan comes to a head, seems like the perfect opportunity for him to make his own~ not that he will need the elixir of life for himself, but if he falls in love his wife might, and the gold would aid him hugely

It was thanks to all this information on alchemy that Nick could roughly figure out how Nicolas Flammel managed to create the philosophers stone. See the great alchemist was born just before the black plague ran rampant across Europe and while he may not have created the disease he probably used the lifeforce and deaths of the victims to create the stone as that would be the only way it could allow it to do what it does.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

1 months ago

Ha, hypocrite, taking about keeping secrets

"I won't lecture you about how serious this matter is since it's clear to me that you are well aware. Know however that I very much disapprove of you keeping this information to yourself and even the actions you have taken knowing it. Right now however as you have said we have a more pressing concern in the form of the last inanimate horcrux. You say you have tracked it down but have not had the time to collect and destroy it yet , correct?" Dumbledore says sternly. Nick nodded "It's located inside the residence of the Gaunt clan which is a shack in little Hangleton" he said seriously.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

1 months ago

Hmmm, this would have made me feel a little guilty about not getting him socks

The final gift after that was a gift from Dumbledore that surprised Nick quite a bit considering how tense the relationship between the two of them was. It was a simple quill made from a red and gold feather that he recognized as Fawkes's. There was a note attached to the quill that Nick read quietly. {Fawkes and I wish you the happiest of holidays and hope to see the marvels held in your future. -Sincerely Albus Dumbledore.} Nick cautiously checked the quill for any unusual magic but there was none.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

1 months ago
Replied to William_Claw

Um, I believe the reason Voldemort never used the Fidelius charm was due to the fact that it wouldn’t have worked, given that the spell hides the “secret” inside the users soul, it could be argued that because Voldemort’s soul was damaged after making even one horcrux it couldn’t be used to hold a secret, and there’s no way Voldemort would ever trust another to be the secret keeper for a horcrux hidyhole

And all that was just the start of Dumbledore's manipulations this year. When looking at things through realistic eyes its plain to see how the first year of Hogwarts was all just one big test for Harry. First the announcement during the welcoming feast announcing the third floor on the right-hand side out of bounds to draw Harry's and everyone's attention to it to start the Hogwarts rumour mill running, and then the year spent gathering clues which a certain loose-lipped half giant just keeps dropping. All so the three of them could get past the traps if you can even call them that. That's meant to keep the dark lord from getting his hands on the philosopher stone, what an absolute joke.

Harry Potter: Lost Son

Harry Potter: Lost Son

Book&Literature · PsyChotiX556

1 months ago

Don’t bother reading, I was hoping for something good but I only just managed to read the first chapter and part of the second before dropping. It’s a total cringe fest, one of the worst I’ve read, I don’t know how people can read this. Clearly this user doesn’t read or alter anything after the translation is done, or if they do English isn’t their first language, because if it was they would have hopefully improved it, but this clearly isn’t the case

1 months ago

Enjoying things so far, the fiction concept is brilliant, it’s given me the idea to write my own, ill be sure to give credit when I eventually post~

  • Ultimate Pokémon Trainer System: Book 1: Harry Potter original

    Ultimate Pokémon Trainer System: Book 1: Harry Potter


    A soul from our world is reborn into the world of Harry Potter, and unlocks the Ultimate Pokémon Trainer System to help him along the way, with his magic and Pokémon at his beck and call, his strength only just starting to show, just how will this soul change the story that so many grew up with. How will he act upon his future knowledge and preconceptions of the world he finds himself in. With a sharp mind and plenty of time to plan, just how will he shake up the story, and how will the magical world react to his Pokémon. Warning: This will become a harem fic later down the line, as was voted upon by my followers on Twitter. However I am limiting the girls currently to only three for now, and any mature content will not happen for a long time yet as the characters are still far too young for that sort of thing. However the list of girls will grow in the future as I have big plans for things much further down the line, but I will not be revealing them just yet Series: Book 1: Harry Potter Book 2: ???

    23 Chs 569 Collections

  • Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Level Up original

    Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Level Up


    A young soul, recently passed, finds himself being saved from the void by circumstance, before being thrust into a new world, one he had only seen in his childhood on a Television screen. Placed into a younger body how will he handle his new life, in a world where everything revolves around a card game, and everything can rest on drawing the right card.

    11 Chs 585 Collections

  • RWBY: White Fox original

    RWBY: White Fox


    In the darkest hour of the Xiao long family, when they are at their all time low, a young boy is rescued by Qrow and becomes part of the family, lifting them from their sadness to bring light back into their lives, suffering loss of his own they give him what he needs most, a family. And he will do whatever it takes to keep them safe. I will be posting this on RoyalRoad and Fanfiction.

    3 Chs 112 Collections

  • Pokemon Storm original

    Pokemon Storm



    A Pokémon fan from our world has ended up getting dropped into the world of Kanto region, just as the story is set to begin. What will he do? Become a Pokémon trainer of course, and put all others to shame with his years of knowledge gained from the video games and anime series, he will become the best trainer he can be and take the Pokémon world by Storm. Rated T for now.

    24 Chs 2.8k Collections

  • Harry Potter: Lost Son original

    Harry Potter: Lost Son



    A Harry Potter fan has been reincarnated into the Harry Potter universe and will be attending Hogwarts, but he hasn't been reincarnated into the Boy-Who-Lived, oh no he is the lost son of another Ancient and Most Noble house, and with his knowledge of future events and his perspective on how things have come to pass, you can just bet that he is going to make one hell of a splash. I will be posting this story on

    21 Chs 7.1k Collections

  • Naruto: Fiction Challenges original

    Naruto: Fiction Challenges

    Anime & Comics NARUTO

    This is a series of Fanfiction ideas that I have had, the base concept that I want to share so that others can read the ideas and if they are inspired to write and share their own versions, I will be adding more eventually, my ideas just keep coming~

    13 Chs 7 Collections

  • Naruto: Older Brother original

    Naruto: Older Brother

    Anime & Comics HAREM


    What if Naruto wasn't the only one born the night of the Kyūbi attack, what if he had an older brother who wants nothing more than to keep his Otōto and the ones he loves safe, rated M for mature scenes later

    16 Chs 1.6k Collections

  • Avatar: Through the looking glass original

    Avatar: Through the looking glass

    Anime & Comics

    What if Aang wasn't the only one in the iceberg, and what if the event that took place happened four year in the future, Older main characters, OC insert, OCx future pairing, hot-headed OC, rated M for future chapters I will be posting this story on Royalroad

    6 Chs 151 Collections

  • One Piece: Fourth Brother original

    One Piece: Fourth Brother

    Anime & Comics HAREM ONEPIECE

    What if it wasn't just Luffy, Ace and Sabo that grew up together, what if Luffy had an older brother who joined him on his journey, and became his vice captain and headed his own division of the Straw Hat Pirates? What secrets lay in this Brother's past, how will his simple presence change the story we all know and love. How strong will the Straw Hats grow with someone with his strength there to help them along? Let's find out~ OC/Harem I will be posting this to Fanfiction and RoyalRoad

    5 Chs 278 Collections

  • HP: Dragon fire original

    HP: Dragon fire


    A young Harry Potter comes into a surprise creature inheritance towards the end of his summer of his second year at Hogwarts, now he must find his mates while being on the look out for a dangerous escaped convict

    2 Chs 76 Collections

  • Authors world: Black Lagoon original

    Authors world: Black Lagoon


    what if the world of black Lagoon got a new character plucked from this world and given new memories and skills of that of a highly skilled individual before being thrown into the shit, protected by the Author God he will thrive and have a hell of a good time doing it all, can anyone stop him...Nope

    4 Chs 95 Collections

  • One Piece: System original

    One Piece: System



    A young man finds himself suddenly within a white void, and a voice telling him that he had died before his time and he is going to be reborn into a new life with a system to help him make the most of things, what will he do when he gets there, what dreams will he aspire to reach for, lets find out

    46 Chs 4.8k Collections

  • Highschool DxD: Sharingan Dragon God original

    Highschool DxD: Sharingan Dragon God


    OC Sharingan insert, multiple crossover elements, other anime mentions, future Lemons, Limes planned, all the fun of a DxD OCxHarem, IsseixHarem This is NOT an Issei replacement fic.

    7 Chs 554 Collections