Can’t wait to see Nate’s wolf form.. 🤩🤩
Hey father daughter time.. Oh they are so lovely..🥰🥰
Bass is sure hilarious.. He is to lazy.. I feel bad for Roxy.. 😂😂
Wow Nate is slowly introducing her to the pack… Hope everything goes well…🤞🤞
That’s true…
Wow Nate is an awesome Dad.. He handled the situation smoothly.. Wonderful 👏👏
Oh oh! Their plan backfired.. 🥺🥺
Ha ha ha I think their plan worked.. But now they’re gonna be in trouble.. 😂😂
I hope Scarlet isn’t planning something after learning life lessons from Samantha.. 😀😀
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
His Mistress is His Ex-Wife
Urban · ellezar_g