The curse lingers
I did not know whether to laugh or to cry.
Fantasy · Aidka
It will scare children!
Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
This reminds me of the ten special physiques in Reverend Insanity, they are so efficient at refining energy that they usually blow themselves up in the process of getting stronger.
This paragraph has been deleted.
Urban · HideousGrain
By him
[You cannot eat an [Legendary] Item]
Fantasy · PancakesWitch
Make us a special side chapter Rei
Peaking at just one, Shiro immediately shut it and blocked the rest.
Fantasy · Reili
Let me Show You the Power of… (1)
Fantasy · Aidka
Hollow god might’ve come back.
Words cannot express my delight at this moment.
The Holy tournament
Fantasy · PeaceAndQuiet
The word play makes sense because it is ironic, since by going into death’s embrace she escaped death.
It was then that she felt her body stop as it was grabbed by something. When she opened her eyes again, she was already in Roan's embrace.
Fantasy · Suiyan
I hope natural selection takes care of you
"Now do not speak unless spoken to is that understood? And bow you will need to bow." Ibis said and began to open the door before they could respond.
Master of none
Fantasy · 1King_Rep1