i feel ofended...im from colombia...NAH im kidding! HAHA! i like how this started, hoping to keep reading
Like a drifter scouring for a destination, Shiro made his way to Colombia.
Anime & Comics · IdleYoungMaster
Sooo,yeah I like this novel even if it's too long between arc's I can see(read) why, how you managed the relationships and the fact that the protagonist is an H protagonist is funny, anyways good job I hope I can read more of this, to be honest I recommend you to skip sometimes the people reaction to the protagonist handsomeness, is kinda funny at first but now is getting repetitive, have a good Day or night and God bless you.
It was called savitar because the pronunciation of the letter "r" also if I'm not wrong the way the god savitr name is pronounced is "savitar".
This book has been deleted.
The original book is in Spanish.
There's other book named like this and with 85 chapters... I found it and I thought "this is a coincidence" but nope it's the same chapter.
This will be awesome, I will wait for the next chapter.
I hope you can continue this... I have faith in you.
Thanks for the chapter
I want to cry to be honest.
soy colombiano...lo apruebo
(A/N: some words/curses are difficult to translate from Spanish to English, so bear with me as my Dominican blood takes over. Translation: Your fuckin' mother, or, your bitch of a mother)
Spider-Man Mayhem
Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3