my first thought when I saw this picture was sid the sloth.
After a while, the door Tatsuya entered from opened once again, and this time, a beautiful, jet-black haired girl with straight bangs, lovely white skin, and rosy lips followed after him, holding a tray with four cups of freshly brewed, still steaming, coffee and a small ceramic container with a little spoon coming out of its lid.
Anime & Comics · EclypseX
This is just stolen from flameclawsxx on why are you stealing?
This book has been deleted.
I completely forgot that he was alive
''Was he here the whole time? Isn't his presence becoming a little thin?"
Anime & Comics · Maerry
he must be qurikless
Anime & Comics · Simple_Russian_Boi
top of morning
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Anime & Comics · Abadom
The next morning, they start with evasive training. Nothing too fancy, Izuku just needs to dodge 'some' of Kaito's weakest attacks. A tall order especially when said master's 'slowest' and 'weakest' attack can chop a tree in half. All you would see is the master standing in front of a tree, holding his arms behind his back as the tree suddenly just topples over. The cut was incredibly smooth. There were no splinters lost from the wood. It was as if the tree was always like that.
Anime & Comics · DuckLifeIRL
is he an old great one
"But who do you think I am, I am Black the most amazing of them all so I decided to help you achieve that power so we can be best buds what do you think a great deal so will you become this great ones friend?!" Black exclaimed excitedly.
Anime & Comics · xRead
[ Can someone please upload a photo of Excalibur from the fate series. ( Author's request)]
Movies · Fire_Phoenix_02
"Those foolish self-proclaimed gods." Yu Long snorted indifferently.
Kaiju Maker in Another World
Anime & Comics · Nine_Clouds