Oh wait you're right. I didn't think of that...
The mirrors were reflecting the situation in the dance studio. The only difference was… there were three girls sitting on the three chairs.
Horror · I Fix Air-Conditioner
Wait, why is this so funny?
One minute later, Zhang Peng came out carrying the knife. There was a bit of red on the blade, he seemed to have accidentally slashed his arm. He tossed the knife to his other hand. Zhang Peng's expression turned more grievous. He glanced at the stairs before picking up the pace as he went down the corridor.
Horror · I Fix Air-Conditioner
"Host is ruining the wall for no reason. One minute of silence for the poor landlord."
Horror · I Fix Air-Conditioner
My thoughts exactly
"Lee Ming! I know you're watching livestream, go buy some supper for me. Fried noodles, no chili, thanks!"
Horror · I Fix Air-Conditioner
"She did not have a Pipi! See?"
Fantasy · LuxVonDeux
How do you know us so well?
Sitting near him is my mother, Cecilia Ainsworth Cunningham, née Rull. She has Sepia Hair and silver eyes and is the definition of a motherly woman. The people on Earth will call her Pure Milf 10/10 would call her mommy.
Fantasy · LuxVonDeux
ooh, now that's torturous
The Leader had already won the battle with one move. He would suffer a backlash for eating the fruit but he would recover in a month.
Fantasy · SomDxD
This paragraph has been deleted.
Fantasy · Blazuku
Sir, you dropped this
And the worse part is there's nowhere else to read this...
My Husband Changes Every Day
· Webnovel Comics