As for my love life, I have a crush on this certain girl, she's also the same age as me. Before any of you motherfuckers lash out at me for having as crush on her saying ' isn't she 14 you sicko', I am 14 too. Not juust physically but mentally too, I decided to take my life when I was fourteen which gives me all the right to like her.
Anime & Comics · twenty8
Also Now I understand that when writing a fanfic you have to write it as if the person reading hasn't read the story the fanfic is about. I just thought that if you read a fanfic you would have already read the story that is being written as a fanfic.
ur the first comment! U get a pin! I don't know what TCL means but the manga this is about is called "THe beginning after the end" and Arthur is the main character he reincarnated after being betrayed. I made up his twin brother. You shoudl read the manga its not bad.
Dame just noticed theres a thing called bots! What's up with that busshit i want criticism not 100 views in 10 seconds.
Dame I feel like a badass when I see author next to my name. Stroke my ego everyone.
Just write any review I gotta see anything for me to keep on writing. I don't give a fuck if its a hate comment or anthing inbetween. I honestly won't fic any grmmar till maybe im at chapter 20, cuz this is basicly a draft I just wana see peoples opinion.
top g
"777 is cool and unique, but what about G?"
Anime & Comics · Quade_The_Unknown
See, it was never what you feel like, it was all about making an enjoyable story. There are thousands of stories with an OP MC, why not change it up? Instead of being a sheep you should try to be different (in a good way). Also idk what a "M" is...
Kojiro entered his house as he stared at the Monohoshizao, "I guess a time to use you has come." He grabbed the blade and his sheath along with his attire. He now wore a traditional light purple umanori hakama and kimono, light purple tabi and black zori sandals with purple haori and tekkou (wristbands, kind of.) and his sword, Monohoshizao strapped on his back.
Anime & Comics · LazzyD
Well. I was sperging out about losing a match in CS:GO and burst a nerve. The doctors declared it ten hours later. Brain aneurysm.
Anime & Comics · werthersaboriginal
6.06 ft tall
With The Sharingan In The MCU
Movies · RetMod