I typed sith in my head but realized I actually typed jedi. I won't fix it. You get it, chat.
[Grey Matter: Swordsman would probably lose. Swordsman may have trained with the best swordsman in that backwater pirate world, but He trained with the best swordmaster across countless star systems. There's no comparison.]
Movies · GnomeBob
Ah yes, the Jedi who can't cut through doors without ample time. Compared to the MC who can do air slashes that eviscerate.
[Grey Matter: Swordsman would probably lose. Swordsman may have trained with the best swordsman in that backwater pirate world, but He trained with the best swordmaster across countless star systems. There's no comparison.]
Movies · GnomeBob
[Grey Matter: How does that work? Is it like Sith Alchemy? I should hope not.]
Movies · GnomeBob
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Movies · GnomeBob
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Movies · GnomeBob
The pair of legs fell over and the magma started cooling down. The fact that it did not reform showed that life had faded from the pieces. Akainu had been killed.
Movies · GnomeBob
10x Exp multiplier unlocked.
The glow around Rayleigh's sword changed from a humming white light to a flame-like darkness. This one did not damage his body just by using it, but it did seem to massively increase the sensitivity his body processed. Every background sensation that was usually ignored by the unconscious mind was brought to the foreground and amplified. Every ache, wound, and cut that could usually be ignored seemed to become a mental priority. Due to the fact that he was covered in heavy wounds, the mental feedback from his injuries was practically crippling. Or it would have been if he had been piloting his body from his brain. The Force didn't care about his pain so neither did he, thus the negative side effects of this power were ignored.
Movies · GnomeBob
Dragged off to Brazil. Unfortunate.
The blade beast had stepped back, cautious at the appearance of these new monsters, but now that they turned toward it, the monster prepared to assault them all at once. Sadly, it never got the chance. The sand beneath it's feet began to sink away as a new hole opened up beneath it. It's blade arms scrabbled at the air but to no avail as a host of mandibles reached up to drag it down below sight.
Fantasy · RinoZ
Honey, wake up! Peak is here.
Chapter 81 Welcome to Corellia
The Reincarnator's Tavern
Movies · GnomeBob