Tales of Demon and God is in the second place with 99 votes
Anime & Comics · Nine_Clouds
People complain that it's taking too long to update. But a 14k word chapter Every two weeks to me is much better than a 2k words chapter every two days.
Anime & Comics · EvansKannon
make him make cards that store stamina so he can make stronger cards with type storing 1 year stamina you can also make him make one for his mother to use her quirk without having to spend his life storing farm animal life that already will be slaughtered for consumption so she can use it without dying little by little
you can by manipulation of biology can be manipulator or specialist since he has knowledge of medicine
you can by biology manipulation can be handler or specialist
1 1
i liked it
This chapter is... Different. A test. You guys must have noticed. There is no Eidolon.
Anime & Comics · EvansKannon
N A 8 3 2 4 6 1 4 7 9 1 3 4 6 y 8 5 4 4 e 6 2
The Guild of Gamers: The Supervillain
Book&Literature · DarkWolfShiro