"Thefuck is he, Yahwe?" I snap back but all I get is confused glances "Never mind, I forgot how uncultured you cave dwellers were." I shake my head with pity in my eyes "So arrogant for the servants of a mere Jarl."
Video Games · Rastislav
"I've never met this man before in my life." I quickly defended myself. "Speaking of, I have the materials to make the wand we talked about."
Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
The man snorts "Great, a jokester... just what I needed tonight" He shakes his head, somewhat amused, and signals for us to follow him inside "Name's Maul by the way."
Video Games · Rastislav
So I'm kinda teetering on whether or not to go full Targaryen between Beth and Kai, like Sheila doesn't ever tell him she's his daughter and they grow close...and sleep together but then find out when the veil between the other side and the main realm become weak.
TV · Shane_Town
Damon Salvatore evaded a C4 explosion thats Mach 23 feat from a Normal Vampire. According to Google a twilight vampires speed is about 100 mph 💀.
This book has been deleted.
The land continues to shake as the sky envelops in a barrage of colors and a cracking can be heard as if announcing the birth of a new God as the energy continues to pour towards Emilio. ( What is he doing, He's beginning to believe)
Anime & Comics · EzioAuditore_1
Thats so OP. Could he make himself immortal with this at full power ? Like get rid of his shackels of mortality.
[Unshackle: Grants the ability to get rid of all kinds of shackles.
Book&Literature · Snollygoster
However, some of them slowed down as they saw me unsummon my shades and just stand there without reacting in any way. You could even say I was just standing there... menacingly.
Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale
Video Games · Rastislav