There wasnt even an explanation as to the world she was now in, her age. the surprise of being Daphne now. It was instant. The MC has no character at all and whoever wrote this should be banned from writing ever again
Poorly written MTL with absolutely nothing going for it. 'Courting Death.' Chapters are crazy short and one conversation dragged out over the first like 7 chapters.
This makes no sense No one would let their daughters stay at Hogwarts then if they got sorted there It also makes arranged and political marriages impossible Half assed ‘slytherins are evil’ plot
Hope could hear a deeply disturbed sigh from an expressionless voice that reminded her of the Greengrass'. 'My House needs a lot of help, there's no denying that. The older years break into the younger years rooms and terrorise them by dismantling their wards and throwing spells at them. If the wards aren't strong enough from 3rd year or higher, the children are usually raped, although the girls receive this… abuse more than the boys but both genders are put through this trauma.'
Movies · creambunn
As if you wouldnt call him Wade
Arthur looked down at him, satisfaction flickering in his expression. "From now on, you are Blade."
Anime & Comics · FrenzyAren
And presumably the Japanese at Mahoutokoro
Wizards in the Harry Potter world are overly reliant on their wands.
Book&Literature · HornyFBI
"Congratulations! You my dear fellow are now deceased, dead as a door nail, pushin up daisies, you kicked the bucket, so on and so forth but you get my drift." said a being who was humanoid in shape but seemed to be composed of space and stars swirling in a vortex
Book&Literature · ShadowRose13
A greatsword only weighs like 2-3 kg, so it's really not that heavy
Arthur took cautious steps forward, his greatsword resting heavily on his shoulder. The eerie silence of the distorted city weighed on him like a physical force. His eyes scanned the surroundings, sharp and unyielding, but there was nothing to hint at immediate danger—just the unsettling stillness and flickering lights.
Anime & Comics · FrenzyAren
He didnt learn it because Snape didnt teach him anything. Shouting 'Clear your mind,' while ripping his mind apart and humiliating him (from someone he doesnt trust and despises, no less) is not teaching
In the original story, the impulsive Harry was unable to master this spell even by his fifth year for this reason. Even though Soren's mental maturity was far beyond Harry's, he did not believe he could fully master this skill at the age of 11; at most, he could grasp only the basics, which would be better than nothing.
Book&Literature · Theuntamed
Well that's obviously not true. Hermione has a vinewood and dragon heartstring wand and she doesnt seem to stop showing off and is incapable of shutting her mouth
"It is well-known that Thestrals are considered a symbol of bad luck." Ollivander fixed his milky-white pupils on Soren. "This is a very strange material; only wizards who can master death can control it. Moreover, vine wood wands are quite rare, and I can't help but notice that their owners are always those ambitious wizards who do not wish to flaunt their talents."
Book&Literature · Theuntamed
I feel kinda bad but at the same time, was she meant to wait 2 years for someone she didn’t even know for two weeks? They weren’t even technically together and all they did was kiss like once. Her kissing him after he returned after she got aethered was actually weirder imo
Jane gave him a tired look. "You were gone for two years, Thor. Two years with no news, no explanation. What was I supposed to do?"
The Guardian chosen by the Moon
Movies · Josden