She sighed deeply. "But... with this, I feel like I can't stay in Freeza's army anymore."
Others · theusual
Stray devil
Had they connected him to the Fallen Angel's death?
Anime & Comics · Zexxxxy
With them being surrounded, they can only fight. The injured men take arms and create a battle formation to protect their women and children. However, as the demonic beast gets closer, a concrete beam of wind punches through the demonic beast.
Anime & Comics · Ryusenka
Thanks for the chapter boss
Stray devil
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Anime & Comics · Zexxxxy
Stray devil
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Anime & Comics · Zexxxxy
Stray devil
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Anime & Comics · Zexxxxy
Stray devil
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Anime & Comics · Zexxxxy
Interesting I think it’s a good idea
Also a dumb question, but I saw an image of a fem sephiroth, so I want to know, would you all be okay with Hojo cloned a new sephiroth only to be saved by John and she follows/stalks him? It's only an idea, but I figured extra Input wouldn't hurt.(here's some images to give you an idea)
Video Games · Thelostswordman
"They're here."
DxD: Scion of Lucifuge
Anime & Comics · DragonnX