
male LV 2
2020-05-18 Joined Global
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3 years ago

this chapter was pretty silly from my point of view just for the fact that it seems that the devil's faction did not ask or demand the culprits of the other factions and in case you say that the other factions no longer protect them or are already declared as exiles then there is no longer risk that if he kills them they will start another war even if the devils kill them. (Google translator)

3 years ago


4 years ago
Replied to deleterduser322223

I have to agree with you brother, it surprises me how only according to the strength of the will he is able to transform ezekiel into a neo-demon, as previously mentioned that not even rank one magicians are capable of supporting and zatiel is only capable to endure by the AI-chip and his soul as a previous demon (apart from being able to create a lineage that is an experiment of law beings without any errors or failures just based on his memories and understanding of his AI-chip)

4 years ago
Replied to Redsunworld

What was zatiel's rank when he died in his second reincarnation?

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