He ate his brother in the womb, (yujis dad who then reincarnated or got forcefully reincarnated) then kenjaku goes up and down on him and then yuji is born
So why does the brat feel like Master Sukuna if he's nothing but a vessel?
Anime & Comics · JaxWolf4
last name then first Smith John Gojo Satoru
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Anime & Comics · Suzumebachi_
I know the author probably won't see this, but this was an amazing fanfic. I loved it. And I hope it will return in the near future.
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Anime & Comics · Ariseto
I'll become the strongest person not only in the modern era but in all of history. Not even the king of frauds himself will be enough to kill me.
Anime & Comics · JaxWolf4
Essentially he plays ck2/ck3
But my main spell was called Blood Descendant Body Resurrection... it was the reason I had started wanting to have more children, bastards, and legitimate ones.
Book&Literature · Numera
"Tomorrow again, my real niggas," Luke said, waving at them. They didn't know the meaning of that word, but they still responded in kind. "Make sure the flavor stays the same tomorrow, Luke! Otherwise, we will be taking your son away! "They shouted, earning a chuckle from Luke. They sure love to make little jokes about him.
Anime & Comics · Asthoglho
the mc MIGHT be a schizo
"Stop. It seems none of us have quite reached enlightenment so I guess," I took a deep breath, tears flowing down my face, "..we're getting sold into a slave ring."
Anime & Comics · Honoured_Writer
It's just that shrimple
It was just that simple.
Anime & Comics · BurgerNoTomatoes
i had hopes, and they have been realized
Lelouch vi Britannia stood in the center of the alley, his gaze locked onto the men surrounding him, not so much them as it was his own handywork he was studying. These were not the usual cutthroats and thieves one might expect to find lurking in the underbelly of Theed. No, these were men who had lived lives of cruelty and violence, their hearts hardened by years of bloodshed. Yet now, they stood still as statues, their weapons clutched in their hands, awaiting orders that would seal their fate.
The Eternal Emperor
Movies · Phantom17