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"Don't be mad, my cute murderous samurai. Next time I will allow you to have your fun." I say while I start walking while carrying her "We are gonna commit some war crimes together. Geneva Convention? More like 'Geneva Suggestion', am I right?" I joke with her.
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer
Remember this is canon
It's come to the point where I think she deserves better. Assexual Luffy will never give her what she wants... Well, ChiChi accomplished with Goku so maybe nothing is impossible.
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer
To mc: I pray that you will get stronger soon, but always remember, we are here, we will see your worst and best, may Azathoth bless you (Picture included)
Thanks for the chapter, keep up the good work 😊👍
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MCU: New Gods
Anime & Comics · Pedro_Marques_3020
Thanks for the chapter👍
To Mc: we Will Be cheering for you (Picture included in message)
1. Danger Sense (Low) - The user has a basic instinct for detecting nearby threats, giving them a slight warning when in immediate danger.
Danmachi - Depthless Hunger
Anime & Comics · FangYuan1234