For our world maybe not so tall for his age. Average maybe. But for Zaun in my opinion little tall for this age. Because Zaunites are poor, they don't have stability in good food, and have bad and dirty air, that affects health at all. Piltoverians in my opinion should be taller than Zaunites averagely
"Subject 2807. Your new name is Sirion. Your new age is 13 years old. Height is 157 centimeters."
Anime & Comics · Jagami28
How are you reading a story? He is mentally 18. Because he was at this age in previous life
I would look at you or myself if you (or myself) suddenly woke up in a criminal city where nearly every third can kill you. Especially when you lived entire life in normal city with good laws and low criminality. With time ofc he wouldnt be scared of nearly everything. But he nearly spent a week in Zaun, so he needs some time.
- Are you looking for something, boy? Or are you just admiring? - Sirion shuddered, but quickly pulled himself together.
Anime & Comics · Jagami28
Он лежит в черновиках все еще. Для ру аудитории буду выкладывать их только когда приличное кол-во текста наберется.
Мб знаю плохо, пробыл то там всего неделю. Жил в хостеле в Кит-крае. В центре пару раз успел побыть, а в других районах и не был толком.
My bad. One of this chapters should have been posted at Vocabulary 0. )
Был в Атырау только на свадьбе одногруппника) Не такое уж и большое там отчаяние. Вот где настоящее отчаяние, так это в Павлодаре
I understand this, but I made some changes for plot. Didn't want this ff to be 100% Arcane canonically
It's translation my work from Russian. Usually Russian rules of dialogues in texts is like this: - I ate my food, - said Viktor, shaking his head approvingly. - But I need more.
I've rereaden original (russian) text, and there is a text, that "since he mentally 18." For this text I usually use translator. But anyway, you have head in shoulders, in prologue it's been written that he is 18 in his world, and in this he is 13 only physically.
Arcane: Broken Mechanism
Anime & Comics · Jagami28