This story is realy good wish there was more to read and alittle more about ravin then the others and macking her like a sid e cariter when she is to be the main… right? I like the spin on her in the marves bit i would the to read more on how you r going to use marvol and DC together with ravin being main person in both worlds or is it two different ones???
Hi there i was wonderng what well happen nexts and if balla and her siser well ever get along????
Hi i love this storie so faw when well you do the next chapter??????
Thats ok you go . And hang in there theres alwas a job for your skills just keep trying your best and you well do fine …. I look forowrd to reading more of this storie.
it still surprises me on how people combair them self with others. in looks.
I like how it fuetuchr like and its got ciber sifi going for this story good start.
Cyberpunk Maniac
Sci-fi · Axe Warrior